Welcome! I'm
Susan Grabek,
the former Group 2 administrator, and the webmaster of this
site. I welcome comments, questions, and any information
that you would like to share about your Group 2 ancestors.
Click on my name to contact me.
July 12, 2019 - Please note
that the Lindsay Surname DNA project has been moved to
My website was originally created to mirror the information
that was available on the old Clan Lindsay web page for Group
2, and to add to the information that was presented there.
With the passing of Ron Lindsay, the former administrator of
the DNA project, the Clan Lindsay web site has been taken
down. It has been replaced with a new
web site, managed
by Joe Lindsey, our new DNA project administrator. Please
check out the new site.
I will update this site in a limited
manner. I don't plan to update the Y-DNA
test results charts, as that information will be available on
I still hope that descendants of the Long Marsh Lindsey family
will find much information here to help with research about
their ancestors. Feel free to contact me with your
research questions.
To get an overview of the Group 2 Lindsey's, take a look at
our lineages.
Research conducted by
myself and others has led to the conclusion that many of the
DNA project participants in our group descend from a family f
Lindsey's that lived in the Long Marsh area of old Frederick
Virginia (now Clarke Co., and Berkeley and Jefferson
counties in WV). For this reason they are called the "Long
Marsh Lindsey's". Two Lindsey men believed to have been
brothers, John (b. about 1700) and Edmund (b. 1697), settled in
the area ca. 1733.
Members of the family began
to migrate from the Long Marsh to other areas starting about
1763. They moved into
South Carolina and
Georgia, and
from there into other southern states including Tennessee,
Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas. Other members of the
family moved north and west into
Pennsylvania and Kentucky, and
from there into other states including Ohio and Indiana.
By the late 1780's only a handful of the original Lindsey
family members remained in the Long Marsh area.
The work on our Lindsey's
is far from complete. Our ancestors seemed to have taken
delight in covering their tracks! They also loved to
recycle given names. Much research is still needed to be
done to find all of our Lindsey's and sort them properly into
family groups. Though we have a growing number of DNA project
participants, not all of the Long Marsh lineages are
represented in the project. And some lineages seem to
fall outside the Long Marsh family. So we need to locate
and recruit more DNA project participants. You are invited to
join us on the hunt!
This page was updated on 7-12-2019
Susan Grabek