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Lindsay Surname DNA Project Group 2 Lineages

Group 2 is composed of fifty-five individuals. Each lineage traces back to the Long Marsh Lindsey family of old Frederick County, Virginia. We have not been able to tie each participant to a known Long Marsh Lindsey patriarch, but our knowledge increases as new participants join the group. Below you will find information about each lineage. The information is based on source document research and family records and stories.

I originally created this web page by copying information verbatim from the Group 2 DNA Page on the old Clan Lindsay site. I added information about each early ancestor and his descendants to help establish familial connections between the Group 2 lineages, and to spark discussion among Group 2 researchers. Over time, research has allowed us to identify earlier known progenitors, and has changed some of our ideas about the Group 2 ancestors, so this web page now reflects the current thinking about our lineages. Please see the Lindsay International site for information about all the Lindsay/Lindsey lineages:

If you have information to contribute to this page, please contact Susan Grabek.

Lindsay Code No.: L0018

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Jacob Lindsey b. April 8, 1812 Spartanburg Co., SC, d. aft. 1860. It is believed that Jacob Lindsey was the son of Elisha Lindsey, b. ca. 1772 SC, d. 1819 Spartanburg County, SC. Elisha Lindsey's probate record listed a wife, Susannah, and children named Isaac, John, Jacob, Elisha, Elizabeth, Susannah, Sally, and El. Jacob Lindsey married Nancy Hart. Jacob and Nancy Hart Lindsey had children named Susan, Elisha, Joseph S., Martha Ann, James K., William, Commodore R., John, Benjamin, Mary, George Wilson, Morgan M., and Elvira. L0018 descends from Commodore Lindsey.

Elisha Lindsey, who died in Spartanburg County in 1819, was likely a son of Isaac Lindsey of York County, SC.  Isaac Lindsey is a proved ancestor of L0045. Isaac Lindsey's son, John, died in York County in 1817, leaving a will in which he named his father, Isaac, and a brother named Elisha, among others.  Elisha Lindsey was one of the executors of John Lindsey's will, and he performed administrative duties on John Lindsey's estate until 1819, which coincides with the death date of Elisha Lindsey in nearby Spartanburg County. That information, coupled with the names of Elisha's children, which match those of the family of Isaac Lindsey of York County, make Elisha seem to be a probable son of Isaac Lindsey.  See the web page about the York County Lindsey's for more information.

The 1860 census for Spartanburg Co., SC listed Jacob Lindsey as J. L. Lindsey, age 47.  Living with Jacob were his wife, Nancy (b. ca. 1819), and children named Susan (b. ca. 1836), Martha (b. ca. 1841 ), James (b. ca. 1843 ), William (b. ca. 1845), Commander (b. ca. 1847), John (b. ca. 1849), Benjamin (b. ca. 1852 ), Wilson (b. ca. 1853), and Mary (b. ca. 1855).  Additional children of Jacob Lindsey from family tree information at Rootsweb (database penny0608) are sons named Elisha b. ca. 1838, Joseph S. b. ca. 1839, George W. b. 1860, and Morgan M. b. 1862.  An additional daughter from family tree information is Elvira b. ca. 1857.)
(In 1965, Martin Van Buren Lindsey (b. 1879, a grandson of Jacob Lindsey) made a complete listing of Jacob Lindsey's family record.  Martin listed Jacob Lindsey, borned April 8th, 1812,  and wife Nancy Hart, borned Nov. 6th, 1819.  Martin gave their marriage date as about 1834.  Then he listed their children and their birthdates: Susan Lindsey - 12 Mar 1836, Elisha Lindsey - 7 Apr 1838, Joseph S. Lindsey - 7 Mar 1839, Martha Lindsey - 8 Jun 1841, James K Lindsey - 8 Apr 1843, Wm. K. Lindsey - 1 Dec 1844, C. R. Lindsey - 8 Sep 1846, Jno. H. Lindsey - 15 Jan 1848, Ben. J. P. Lindsey - 8 Feb 1850, A. W. Lindsey - 12 Mar 1852, Mary Lindsey - 22 Jan 1854, Elvira Lindsey - 21 Feb 1857, G. W. Lindsey - 20 Jul 1860, M. M. Lindsey - 22 Jun 1862.


Lindsay Code No.: L0028

Participant Surname: Lindsey

Earliest Known Proven Progenitor: David Lindsey b. ca. 1750, d. ca. 1836 in Shelby County, Alabama.  David Lindsey married Mary Casey.  David and Mary Casey Lindsey had the following children: Thomas, Rachel, Huldah, John, Lydia, Elizabeth, Elijah, David, Mary, Joseph, James, and Rebecca.  L0028 descends from David Lindsey's son, John (b. ca. 1777), and from John Lindsey's son, James Spencer Lindsey, b. April 19, 1833 Talladega County, Alabama, d. June 5, 1910 Leton, Louisiana.

More information about David Lindsey and his descendants can be found on the Literature page.  A manuscript written in 1953 by Mrs. A. W. Vaughan can be downloaded for viewing and printing.
More information about David Lindsey and his descendants (PDF file, 5 pgs., 25k) contributed by Theresa Lindsey.
More information about David Lindsey and his connections to the Long Marsh Lindsey family (Report) contributed by Susan Grabek.

Lindsay Code No.: L0029

Participant Surname: Lindsey

Earliest Known Proven Progenitor: John Lindsey, b. ca. 1700 in Maryland, d. 1787 in Newberry County, SC.  John Lindsey, a Frederick County, Virginia Lindsey family partriach, and wife Alce moved from Frederick County, Virginia to present day Newberry County, South Carolina about 1768.  John Lindsey wrote his will in Newberry County in 1783, naming his children: James, Sarah Speakes, John, Abigail Wells, Thomas, Samuel, and a daughter (Esther) married to Gerrard Smith.


Nearly all of John and Alce's children moved with them to South Carolina, including their son, Thomas Lindsey, b. ca. 1740, the ancestor of L0029.  Thomas married Lydia King, the daughter of Charles King and Charity Pennington King of Newberry County.  Thomas and Lydia had the following children: Isaac (married Esther Lindsey), Charles (married Mary Bennett), Jacob (married Elizabeth Sheppard), Jared, John, Samuel (married Ann/Nancy Sherrer), Charity (married John Gould), Polly (married George Wells), Alce, and Keziah.  L0029 descends from Thomas Lindsey's son, Samuel.  Samuel, b. 1773, d. 1812, had children named Thomas, James, Lydia, and Samuel.

See the Newberry County Lindsey web page for more information.

Lindsay Code No.: L0030
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Thomas Lindsey b. ca. 1771 Georgia, d. 1816 Georgia, buried Montgomery County, Georgia; married ca. 1794, Hester Ann Clark (April 13, 1774 GA - July 4, 1874 Cook County, GA). Thomas and Hester Lindsey had children: Robert b. ca. 1794, John "Jack" b. ca. 1796, Nancy b. ca. 1799, Sarah "Zaney" b. ca. 1800, Benjamin F. Lindsey b. ca. 1802, Jane "Jincy" b. ca. 1811, Ashley "James" b. ca. 1811, and Winnie b. ca 1813.  L0030 descends from Benjamin F. Lindsey.
Thomas Lindsey may have been the son of Thomas Lindsey Senior, who petitioned for land in present day Burke County, Georgia in 1767.  Thomas Lindsey Sr. died by 1784.  His widow, Elizabeth, continued to live in Burke County, and received a grant for land there in 1794.  Other Lindsey's found in Burke County in the 1790's were Thomas, Benjamin, and Hezekiah. Thomas and Benjamin Lindsey of Burke County both won land in the the 1807 lottery, along with Martha Lindsey, who may have been the widow of Hezekiah.
It is possible that Thomas, Benjamin, and Hezekiah Lindsey of Burke County may also have been Thomas, Benjamin and Hezekiah Lindsey, sons of Thomas Lindsey, who owned land in Wilkes County, Georgia in 1777.  Thomas Lindsey died, and his heirs, Thomas, Benjamin, and Hezekiah Lindsey, and Elizabeth Lindsey Jenkins, brought a lawsuit in 1792 to recover the land that their father had owned in Wilkes County.  For more information, see the following links:

Lindsay Code No.: L0038
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Hezekiah Lindsay b. 1747 Pennsylvania, d. February 16, 1826 Clermont County, New Richmond, Ohio.  Hezekiah Lindsay married Eliza Fisher d. ? Clermont County, New Richmond, Ohio.
Hezekiah Lindsey's name appeared on a 1770 deed in Frederick Co., VA.  He was named as a co-owner of a tract of land along with Edmund Lindsey, Jr.  Hezekiah lived in the Fort Pitt area during the Revolutionary War, where he served as a soldier in both the Virginia and Pennsylvania regiments.  Hezekiah's marriage to Eliza Fisher is a speculation that has never been proved.
Research web page about Hezekiah Lindsey.

Web page about John and Philip Lindsey, sons of Hezekiah Lindsey.

More information about Hezekiah Lindsey and his descendants can be found on the Literature page.

Lindsay Code No.: L0044
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: John Lindsey b.1847 Texas, d. ca 1906 Lincoln Parish, Vienna, Louisiana.
John Lindsey may have been a son of Pennington Lindsey, b. ca. 1810, and his first wife, Sarah.  The 1860 census for Jackson Parish, Louisiana listed a 40 year old Sarah Lindsey living with the family of Samuel Skinner.  Living nearby in the household of Samuel C. Skinner was John Lindsey, age 10, born in Texas.  Pennington Lindsey had lived in Louisiana before moving to Texas, and had probably married his first wife there. The 1835 census for Tenehaw County, TX listed Pennington Lindsey, age 25 with a wife, Sarah, age 16.
Lindsay Code No.: L0045
Participant Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Isaac Lindsey, b. ca. 1745 in Frederick County, Virginia.  Isaac Lindsey lived in York County, South Carolina, having moved there from Newberry County.  It is believed, but not proved, that the father of Isaac Lindsey was Abraham Lindsey, who lived next to Isaac in Newberry County until about 1785.  Isaac Lindsey, who died sometime after 1832 in Georgia, had children named John, Elisha, Jacob, David, Edy (married William Parker), Druscilla (married Thomas Wilson), and Fanna (married Thomas Putman).
L0045 descends from Isaac Lindsey's son, Jacob Lindsey, b. ca. 1780-1790 in South Carolina, d.1838 in Cobb Co., Georgia.  Jacob married Elizabeth Allen, b. ca. 1798 in SC.  Children of Jacob and Elizabeth Lindsey included David, b. 1815 SC; Lawson H., b. ca. 1820 SC; Jackson J., b. ca. 1831 GA; Green Augustus, b. ca. 1838 GA; and a daughter Lucinda, b. ca. 1827, who married Lawson Kiser.  L0045 descends from David Lindsey, b. 1815, who married Sarah and had children named Jacob Parks, David, Francis Marion, George Luther, Martha, and James J. "JJ" Lindsey.  David Lindsey died October 26, 1862 in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
See the following web page for more information:
Lindsay Code No.: L0046
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Proven Progenitor: James Lindsey b. ca. 1795 in Georgia, d. 1881 Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama.  James Lindsey married Sebro/Sebrew (maiden name unknown) ca. 1829 in Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama.  James and Sebro had nine known children, including John Monroe Lindsey, the ancestor of DNA participant L0046.  John M. (Monroe) Lindsey was born May 30, 1830 and he died April 26, 1919 in Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama.  John Monroe Lindsey married Catherine Daniel.  
Other children of James and Sebro Lindsey included: Elizabeth, married Wilson Hood; Mary Ann, married Thomas A. Patterson; Sarah Ann, married William R. Brown; Lucinda, married Jesse Harrison Pate; Sebrew, married Jefferson Pate; James M., married Emeline Elizabeth Hych; Malissa M., married John Skelton; and Major, who married Sarah Doughty.
It is believed, but not yet proven, that the father of James Lindsey (ca 1795 GA - 1881 AL) was Elijah Lindsey, who died in Wilkes Co., GA ca. 1815.
Elijah Lindsey, the proved ancestor of L0136, died in Wilkes Co., GA ca. 1815, leaving a widow, Dicey, and sons named John, James, Jacob, and Archibald.  John Lindsey later lived in Jasper Co., GA.  Archibald, Jacob, and James Lindsey all purchased land near each other in Tuscaloosa Co., AL.  In 1823, the Tuscaloosa Co. Overseer of the Poor of Beat 7 of the 17th Regiment was ordered to bind out Archibald Lindsey, a minor, to Benjamin Williams to learn the trade of blacksmithing.  On the same day in the same Beat, support was ordered for Dicey Lindsey, a pauper.  James Lindsey was ordered to return stock and property to Dicey Lindsey.

Lindsay Code No.: L0047
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: James Lindsey b. by 1775, migrated from SC to Wilkinson Co., GA abt. 1814.  James married Sarah (maiden name may have been Frost), and they had two sons; Isaac b. abt. 1807, who married Martha Moore; and John b. abt. 1820, who married Susan Matilda Moore ca. 1845 in Wilkinson Co., GA.
Isaac Lindsey and his wife, Martha, had children: Green, John, Sarah F., Mary, Iverson M., Martha, Samuel, and Eli.  John Lindsey and his wife, Susan Matilda, had children: James F., Joel, Isaac, John G., and Jesse M.  Susan Matilda Moore was the daughter of Jesse Moore, who was b. ca. 1798 in SC.

It is thought that the father of James Lindsey may have been James Lindsey, Sr., who died in Newberry Co., SC in 1799.  James Lindsey Sr., b. ca. 1731, was the son of John Lindsey Sr. and his wife, Alce.  James Lindsey married Ruth, and they had a son, Moses, b. 1761, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War in South Carolina.  James Lindsey Sr.'s 1799 will named Moses as his older son, and James as his younger son. The will named daughters: Alce, Lewica, Sarah, Abagail, and Ruth.
More about James Lindsey: Research Report web page by Susan Grabek.

Lindsay Code No.: L0059
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Joshua Lindsey b. 1799 Kentucky, d. bef. 1855 White County, Indiana, married Sarah (Sally) Johnson, March 8, 1823 in Lawrence Illinois.  The children of Joshua Lindsey & Sarah Johnson were Sally, Martha, Mary, John, Elizabeth, Louisa, Joshua, George M., Samuel and William Tipton Lindsey.
Note: Susan Grabek is also a Lindsey researcher and descends from Findley Lindsey, a brother of Joshua Lindsey (1799 KY - bef.1855 Indiana).  Susan, employing some of the previous work done by her cousin Carol Huber (they both descend from Joshua's proven brother Findley Lindsey), has developed a strong circumstantial position that would establish this Joshua Lindsey as a grandson of one William Lindsey.  This William Lindsey is believed to be a brother of the Hezekiah Lindsey found in the write-up of Lindsay participant L0038 above.  DNA Group 2 participants may want to contact Susan directly to gain more depth regarding her thoughts on this Lindsey lineage and its connecting links.
The parents of Joshua Lindsey are believed to have been Joshua Lindsey Sr. (b. about 1770) and Elizabeth Findley (b. 1773).  Elizabeth's father was John Findley, a Revolutionary War soldier who lived in the Fort Pitt area of present day Pittsburgh.  It is thought that Joshua Sr. must have met and married Elizabeth in the Fort Pitt area before migrating to Kentucky about 1791.  The family moved to Indiana about 1800, where Joshua died in Jackson County ca. 1818.
More about Joshua Lindsey Sr. and his descendants: (PDF file, 6 pages, 39K) contributed by Susan Grabek.

Lindsay Code No.: L0083
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Stephen Lindsey b. ca 1775 Virginia, d. Sept. 7, 1864 Fulton County, Illinois, married Rachel Reynolds Dec. 1798 in Campbell County, Kentucky.  The children of Stephen Lindsey & Rachel Reynolds were, Nathan (b. circa 1802 KY), James (died circa age 18), Jonah (b. Ohio), Jacob, Phoebe (m. Mr. Lovell), Reuben, Stephen, Hannah (m. Mr. Stoops) & Hezekiah.  The migration path for Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL) was his marriage and time in Campbell County, Kentucky to Clermont County, Ohio to Fulton County, Illinois.  In an October 17, 1843 deposition by Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL), he states, in 1782, he went to live, at age 7 or 8, with his maternal aunt, Ruth Beasley Dollar & her husband William Dollar, in Berkeley County, Virginia.  Inferring the maiden name of Beasley, for the mother of Stephen Lindsey, provides a possibly connection to Edmond Lindsey (Long Marsh-now Clarke County, Virginia Lindseys), b. 1697 who married Elizabeth Beasley in Baltimore Co. MD in 1724.  This could imply that Edmond Lindsey & Elizabeth Beasley were the grandparents or great-uncle/aunt of Stephen Lindsey.  DNA participant L0083 descends from the lineage of Nathan Lindsey, eldest son of Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL).
More about Stephen Lindsey and his descendants: PDF file, (13 pages, 72K) contributed by James Lindsey.


Lindsay Code No.: L0102
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Jacob Abrell Lindsey b. October 15, 1806 Bibb County, Georgia, d. December 26, 1876 Mississippi, m. Emmaline C. J. Hamilton January 1, 1860.
Jacob Abrell Lindsey is believed to have descended from Jacob Lindsey Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth Abrell Lindsey.  He may have been a grandson of Jacob Lindsey, Sr.  It is thought that Jacob Abrell's father may have been Abraham Lindsey.  Abraham lived in the same tax district in Wilkes Co. as Jacob Lindsey, Sr.  Abraham first paid a poll tax there in 1804, indicating that he was born ca. 1783.  Abraham later lived near Jacob Lindsey, Jr. in Jones Co., GA, where Jacob Jr. paid Abraham's property taxes in 1811.  Abraham Lindsey and Jacob A. Lindsey were listed together on the 1828 tax list of Monroe Co., GA.  Abraham was last on the census in Monroe Co. in 1830.  On that census he was listed as between the age of 50-60.
More about Jacob Abrell Lindsey  and his descendants: (PDF file, 11 pages, 39K) contributed by Carmen Davis.
See the Wilkes Co., GA webpage for more information.  The timeline there has data about Abraham Lindsey (listed as Abraham 2), who is believed to have been the father of Jacob Abrell Lindsey.
Lindsay Code No.: L0115
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Thomas Lindsey b. Jan. 21, 1791 Wilkes County, Georgia, d. Oct. 2, 1861 Brownsboro, Texas, m. Bathsheba Sudduth. 
Thomas Lindsey moved from Wilkes Co., GA to Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama in the early 1820's, before moving on to Mississippi and later to Texas, where he died.
It is possible that Thomas Lindsey was the son of Thomas Lindsey Sr., born circa 1766, a Revolutionary War soldier from South Carolina who died in Wilkes Co., GA before 1820, leaving a widow Mary, and children named Thomas, Abraham, William, Phoebe, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Rhoda, and Mary.  Several of the children of Thomas Lindsey Sr. moved to Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama, including Abraham, Phoebe, Rhoda, and Mary, who all married in Tuscaloosa Co.  Abraham Lindsey married Mary Traweek in 1829, Phoebe Lindsey married James Suddeth in 1847, Rhoda Lindsey married Cornelius Roberts in 1828, and Mary Lindsey married Richard Files in Tuscaloosa Co. in 1828.  In 1830, the heirs of Thomas Lindsey Sr., asked Thomas Lindsey of Tuscaloosa Co. to act as their agent to sell lottery land in Troup Co., GA for them.  Thomas might have been one of the heirs, himself.  More information about these Lindsey's is included in the Wilkes Co., GA timeline.

Lindsay Code No.: L0136
Participant Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Proven Progenitor: Elijah Lindsey, b. by 1766, probably in Frederick Co., VA.  Elijah first appeared in Wilkes Co., GA records in 1787.  Elijah died ca. 1815 in Wilkes Co., leaving a widow, Dicey, and sons named John, Jacob, James, and Archibald.  Elijah also had a daughter who married William Andres.  DNA participant L0136 descends from Elijah's son, John Lindsey, b. ca. 1792, who married Catherine Flemister in Wilkes Co., GA in 1813.  John Lindsey later lived in Jasper Co., GA, where he died after 1860.  Archibald Lindsey moved from Wilkes Co., GA to Tuscaloosa Co., AL, where he married Mary Brown in 1829.  Archibald and Mary later lived in Attala Co., MS.  It is possible that Elijah's son, James Lindsey, was the man who later lived in Tuscaloosa Co., AL near Archibald Lindsey.  James Lindsey, of Tuscaloosa County, AL, is the ancestor of DNA Group 2 participant, L0046. 

Elijah Lindsey's father is believed to have been Jacob Lindsey Sr. of Frederick Co., VA and Wilkes Co., GA.  Jacob Lindsey Sr. is the proved ancestor of DNA Group 2 participant L0156.  However, this relationship between Elijah Lindsey and Jacob Lindsey Sr. has not been proved.
More about Elijah Lindsey and his descendants: PDF file (one page, 12K) contributed by Carl L. Lindsey.

Lindsay Code No.: L0138
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Proven Progenitor: Abraham Lindsey, b. by 1723 likely in Maryland, d. after 1790 SC or GA, married unknown.  Abraham had a son John Lindsey (ca 1749 VA - 1810 Maury County, Tennessee) who is the ancestor of L0138.
Abraham Lindsey owned land on Goose Creek in present day Loudoun Co., VA for which he received a grant in 1745.   He was a member of the Frederick Co. militia during the French and Indian War.  Abraham left the Long Marsh area for South Carolina about 1763. John Lindsey, son of Abraham, settled in Laurens Co., SC ca. 1774.  He later lived in Jackson Co., GA, and then in Maury Co., TN, where he died in 1810.  For more information about John Lindsey, see this web page. Ezekiel Lindsey, who died in Laurens Co., SC ca. 1784 is also believed to have been a son of Abraham Lindsey.
Abraham Lindsey may have been the son of Edmund Lindsey, a Long Marsh pioneer, b. in 1697.   Because Abraham was born before the 1725 marriage of Edmund and his wife, Elizabeth Beasley Lindsey, he would have to have been from a prior marriage of Edmund's.  It is thought that Abraham was the aged man named Abraham Lindsey who died in Wilkes Co., GA about 1824.
More about Abraham Lindsey and his descendants: PDF file (27 pages, 211 K) contributed by Betty Collier.
More about Abraham Lindsey can be found on this web page by Susan Grabek.

Lindsay Code No.: L0156
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Proven Progenitor: Edmund Lindsey, Sr. b. ca. 1697, probably in Maryland, d. after 1782 in Frederick Co., VA.  Edmund Lindsey married Elizabeth Beasley in St. George?s Parish, Baltimore Co., MD on Feb. 20, 1725.  Documented children of Edmund and Elizabeth are John, b. 1731 and Jacob Lindsey Sr., b. by 1746.  #L0156 descends from Jacob Lindsey Jr., b. 1778 in VA, d. 1857 in Jones Co., GA.  It is believed that Edmund Lindsey Sr.?s father may have been Edmund Lindsey, b. ca. 1665 in Charles Co., MD, d. 1709 in Cecil Co., MD.
Though only two sons of Edmund Lindsey have been documented, it is believed that he had other sons, including Edmund Lindsey Jr., b. abt. 1730.  Edmund Lindsey Jr. died in Newberry Co., SC abt. 1818.  Edmund Lindsey Jr.'s 1816 will named his wife, Mary, and children Nancy Hughes, Ruthe Pearson, William, Edmund, and Phoebe Ogilvie.
Little is known about Edmund's son, John Lindsey, b. 1731 in St. George's Parish, MD.  John may have moved to South Carolina.
Jacob Lindsey Sr., the only proved son of Edmund Lindsey, married Elizabeth Abrell.  Jacob and Elizabeth left Frederick Co., VA about 1785 to settle in Wilkes Co., GA., where Jacob died ca. 1823. 
More about Jacob Lindsey Sr. can be found on the Wilkes County, GA page and on the Literature page.
The only proved son of Jacob Lindsey Sr. is Jacob Lindsey Jr., b. 1778.  Jacob Lindsey Jr. married Phoebe (b. 1781), who may have been a first cousin.  Jacob and Phoebe settled in Jones Co., GA, where Jacob died in 1857.  Jacob and Phoebe Lindsey had fourteen children, all documented in their family bible.  Birth years are in parentheses: Joseph (1807), James (1808), Whitfield (1809), Elias (1810), Jacob (1812), Benjamin (1813), Thomas (1814), John (1816), Elijah (1817), Jesse (1818), Caroline (1819), Elizabeth (1821), Rebekah (1823), and Hiram (1826).  After the death of her husband, Phoebe Lindsey lived with her oldest son, Joseph, in Tallapoosa Co., AL  where she died in 1867.
L0156 descends from Jacob Lindsey Jr. through his oldest son, Joseph Lindsey, b. 1807 in Georgia.  Joseph married Nancy Branham in Butts Co., GA in 1830.  After living in Troup Co., GA for a time, Joseph and Nancy settled in Tallapoosa Co., AL, where Joseph died in 1883.  Joseph and Nancy had children: John G., Caroline, Rebecca, Dolphine, Benjamin F., William, Joseph, Josephine "Mitt", Mary Ann, and Nancy Bob.
More about Joseph Lindsey and his descendants: Documents contributed by Bernie Lindsey.

Lindsay Code No.: L0164

Participant Surname: Lindsey

Earliest Known Proven Progenitor: David Lindsey b. ca. 1750, d. ca. 1836 in Shelby County, Alabama.  David Lindsey married Mary Casey.  David and Mary Casey Lindsey had the following children: Thomas, Rachel, Huldah, John, Lydia, Elizabeth, Elijah, David, Mary, Joseph, James, and Rebecca.  L0164 descends from David Lindsey's son, John (b. ca. 1777), and from John Lindsey's son, James Spencer Lindsey, b. April 19, 1833 Talladega County, Alabama, d. June 5, 1910 Leton, Louisiana.

More information about David Lindsey and his descendants can be found on the Literature page.  A manuscript written in 1953 by Mrs. A. W. Vaughan can be downloaded for viewing and printing.
More information about David Lindsey and his descendants (PDF file, 5 pgs., 25k) contributed by Theresa Lindsey.
More information about David Lindsey and his connections to the Long Marsh Lindsey family (Report) contributed by Susan Grabek.

Lindsay Code No.: L0170
Participant Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Stephen Lindsey b. ca 1775 Virginia, d. Sept. 7, 1864 Fulton County, Illinois, married Rachel Reynolds Dec. 1798 in Campbell County, Kentucky.  The children of Stephen Lindsey & Rachel Reynolds were, Nathan (b. circa 1802 KY), James (died circa age 18), Jonah (b. Ohio), Jacob, Phoebe (m. Mr. Lovell), Reuben, Stephen, Hannah (m. Mr. Stoops) & Hezekiah.  The migration path for Stephen Lindsey (1775 Virginia - 1864 Illinois) was his marriage and time in Campbell County, Kentucky to Clermont County, Ohio to Fulton County, Illinois.  In an October 17, 1843 deposition by Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL), he states, in 1782, he went to live, at age 7 or 8, with his maternal aunt, Ruth Beasley Dollar & her husband William Dollar, in Berkeley County, Virginia.  Inferring the maiden name of Beasley, for the mother of Stephen Lindsey, provides a possibly connection to Edmond Lindsey (Long Marsh-now Clarke County, Virginia Lindseys), b. 1697 who married Elizabeth Beasley in Baltimore Co. MD in 1724.  This could imply that Edmond Lindsey & Elizabeth Beasley were the grandparents or great-uncle/aunt of Stephen Lindsey.  DNA participant L0170 descends from the lineage of Hezekiah Lindsey, b. ca. 1823, youngest son of Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL).

Lindsay Code No.: L0173
Participant Surname: Lindsay
Earliest Known Progenitor: Benjamin F. Lindsey, Jr., b.1824 Monroe County, Georgia, d. December 8, 1856 Dale County, Clopton, Alabama, m. Mary E Jordan, May 11, 1851, Crawford County, Georgia.
Benjamin may have been a brother to Jacob Abrell Lindsey, (ancestor of L0102), whose father is believed to have been Abraham Lindsey of Wilkes Co., GA, b. ca. 1783.  Abraham died sometime after 1830, probably in Monroe Co., GA.

Lindsay Code No.: L0183

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: James Suddeth Lindsey, b. 1812 Wilkes County, Georgia, d. February 4, 1852 Cherokee County, Texas, m. Mariah Files.

James Suddeth Lindsey is believed to have been a son of Thomas Lindsey (ancestor of L0115) and Bathsheba Suddeth.


Lindsay Code No.: L0203

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor:  Morris Lindsey, b. 1788 in Newberry County, SC, died 1875 in Alameda County, CA

Morris Lindsey was born in Newberry County, SC in 1788 to unknown parents. Morris married Druscilla (maiden name thought to be Ballard) in Newberry County in 1813. He appeared as a buyer in a few estate records in the county between 1812 and 1815. 

By 1818, Morris was living in Madison County, AL where he worked as a blacksmith. Morris and Druscilla Lindsey had children named Joseph "Larkin" Lindsey, Amanda, Mary Evaline, and Julia Adeline. Morris moved to Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, where he filed for a divorce from Druscilla in 1823. 

Morris next married Nancy Miller, a young widow, in Tuscaloosa County in 1824.  Morris and Nancy had children named Nancy (b. 1824) and Dolphin (b. 1826), who were born while Morris and Nancy lived in Tuscaloosa County.

Morris and Nancy Lindsey were in Sumter County, AL by 1835, and in Lauderdale County, MS by 1838.  By 1850, they had moved to Walker County, TX.  Nancy Lindsey died, and Morris joined a wagon train to Utah with the family of his married daughter, Nancy Lindsey Wilson. 

Morris Lindsey joined the Mormon Church in Alameda County, CA in 1869.  He died in Alameda County in 1875.

L0203 descends from Morris Lindsey's son Dolphin, and from Dolphin Lindsey's son, James Robert Lindsey (b. 1849), who married Roxie Ann Braswell.

For more information, see the family tree for Morris Lindsey on Ancestry.  This well-documented tree has many more details about the life and family of Morris Lindsey.


Lindsay Code No.: L0220

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor:  Jacob Abrell Lindsey b. October 15, 1806 Bibb County, Georgia, d. December 26, 1876 Mississippi, m. Emmaline C. J. Hamilton January 1, 1860.

Jacob Abrell Lindsey is believed to have descended from Jacob Lindsey Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth Abrell Lindsey.  He may have been a grandson of Jacob Lindsey, Sr.  It is thought that Jacob Abrell's father may have been Abraham Lindsey.  Abraham lived in the same tax district in Wilkes Co. as Jacob Lindsey, Sr.  Abraham first paid a poll tax there in 1804, indicating that he was born ca. 1783.  Abraham later lived near Jacob Lindsey, Jr. in Jones Co., GA, where Jacob Jr. paid Abraham's property taxes in 1811.  Abraham Lindsey and Jacob A. Lindsey were listed together on the 1828 tax list of Monroe Co., GA.  Abraham was last on the census in Monroe Co. in 1830.  On that census he was listed as between the age of 50-60.
More about Jacob Abrell Lindsey  and his descendants: (PDF file, 11 pages, 39K) contributed by Carmen Davis.
See the Wilkes Co., GA webpage for more information.  The timeline there has data about Abraham Lindsey (listed as Abraham 2), who is believed to have been the father of Jacob Abrell Lindsey.)


Lindsay Code No.: L0223

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Starling M. Lindsey b. ca 1827.

Starling may have been a son of Daniel Lindsey, b. ca. 1800, of Lawrence County, Tennessee.  The 1850 census for Lawrence County listed Sterling M. Lindsey, age 22.  Sterling's wife was Martha A., age 21.  They had a daughter, Sarah E., age 2.  Starling lived near Sarah Kelly, age 64.  Sarah Kelly was the mother of Martha Ann Kelly.

In 1860, Starling lived next to Daniel Lindsey in Independence County, Arkansas.  Both Daniel and Starling M. Lindsey had children, age 6 and under, who were born in Arkansas, and both had children age 9 and over, who were born in Tennessee. Starling M. Lindsey married Martha Ann Kelly in Lawrence County in 1847.  Family information states that Martha was the daughter of Samuel Kelly and Sarah Johnston.

See the web page about the Lawrence County, Tennessee Lindsey's for more information.


Lindsay Code No.: L0232

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Ransom Lindsey, b. ca. 1818, d. after 1880.

Ransom Lindsey may have been the son of another Ransom Lindsey, whose 1794 birth date was noted in the bible of Jacob and Phoebe Lindsey of Wilkes County, Georgia. This Ransom Lindsey married Phoebe Suddeth (transcribed as Chasby Sudlet in the record) in Wilkes County in 1818.  Ransom Lindsey had died by 1821, when his widow, Phoebe, and orphans won land in the Georgia lottery. 

Ransom Lindsey Jr.  moved to Forsyth County, GA, where he married Atlanta "Lanty" Smallwood in 1835. 

Ransom and Lanty had children (per the 1850 and 1860 census data for Forsyth and Cobb Counties, GA, respectively) named Sarah C., Elijah, Phoebe, Amanda, William (also listed as David W.), Mary, John, and Georgia. 

In 1860, Atlanta Lindsey lived in Cobb County, GA with the children, while Ransom Lindsey lived in Tallapoosa County, AL next door to Joseph Lindsey (ancestor of L0156).  It appears that Ransom had remarried, to a woman named Milly, and that they had a young son named Joseph.  Ransom Lindsey lived in Milton County, GA in 1870, and in Cobb County, GA in 1880.

L0232 descends from Ransom Lindsey through his son, Elijah, and through Elijah's, son George Clark Lindsey.

More about Ransom Lindsey can be found in the Wilkes County LindseyTimeline.  Ransom is Ransom2 on the timeline, and his probable father is Ransom1.


Lindsay Code No.: L0245

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: William Lindsey, b. ca. 1796, d. 1867

William Lindsey was born ca. 1796 in South Carolina.  He is believed to have been a son of Edmond Lindsey, Jr. (b. 1760 - 1770) of Newberry County, SC.  William married Winney Rogers. William and Winney moved to Jasper County, Mississippi, where William died in 1867.  William and Winney had children named Whitfield B., James W., Sarah Ellen (married William B. Morris), and Elmira Amanda.

More about William Lindsey and his family can be found on this family tree on Ancestry.  Very good documentation is included.

I have some limited information about William Lindsey on my web page about Edmond Lindsey Sr. and his family:


Lindsay Code No.:

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: James Lindsey, b. ca. 1784, died in Wilkes County, GA in 1842.

James Lindsey may have been a son of Jacob and Elizabeth Abrell Lindsey of Wilkes County, GA.  In 1810, Jacob Lindsey sold his Wilkes County land to James Lindsey, with a provision that Jacob and his wife could live on the land for the rest of their lives.  James Lindsey married Letitia Bostick, and they remained in Wilkes County for the rest of their lives.  James Lindsey wrote his will in Wilkes Couty in 1842. In the will, James named his children as James M. Lindsey, Martha J. Sutton, Willis H. Lindsey, William Lindsey, John T. Lindsey, Mary Slack (deceased), and Eliza Lindsey, formerly Eliza Hay, now wife of Isaac Lindsey. James Lindsey's will was proved in December, 1842.

L0254 descends from James Lindsey's son, James Morgan Lindsey (b. ca. 1813, d. after 1870) and his wife Barbara Ann Danner, through their son, George Washington Lindsey (b. 1846, d. 1931)


Lindsay Code No.: L0255

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Thomas Lindsey, b. ca. 1766, died ca. 1815.

Thomas Lindsey may have been the son of Abraham Lindsey (b. ca. 1723), who moved to Wilkes County, Georgia from Newberry County, South Carolina about 1785.  This Abraham Lindsey is believed to have been a son of Edmond Lindsey (b. 1697), of Frederick County, Virginia.

Abraham Lindsey sold land to Thomas Lindsey on Pistol Creek in Wilkes County in 1795.  Thomas Lindsey was deceased by 1815.  He had a widow, Mary, and children named Thomas (married Bathsheba Suddeth), Abraham (married Sarah Trawick), William, Elizabeth, Phoebe (married James Suddeth), Mary (married Richard Files), Charlotte, and Rhoda (married Cornelius Roberts).

L0255 descends from Thomas Lindsey's son,  Abraham Lindsey, b. ca. 1797, in Wilkes County, Georgia. After Thomas Lindsey died, most of his family moved to Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, including Abraham Lindsey.  Abraham married Sarah Trawick in Tuscaloosa County in 1829.  L0255 descends from Abraham and Sarah's son, Robert T. Lindsey, born 1834 in Tuscaloosa County.  Robert T. Lindsey married Frances Belk.  Robert T. and Frances Belk Lindsey had children, including Luther Abraham Lindsey, b. 1859, the ancestor of L0255.

For more information, see the following document.  Thomas Lindsey is Thomas2 in the file:


Lindsay Code No.: L0265

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Elliot Lindsey, b. ca. 1797, d. 1836 in Lawrence County, TN

Alexander "Elliot" Lindsey may have been a son of Ezekiel and Hannah Lindsey of Maury County, TN.  Before moving to Lawrence County, Elliot married Mary Kelly in Maury County in 1818.  On the marriage record, the groom was listed as Alexander Lindsey.  He appeared as Elliot Lindsey in Lawrence County records.  Elliot Lindsey died in Lawrence County in 1836. L0265 descends from Carroll A. Lindsey, a son of Elliot and Mary Kelly Lindsey.

For more information, see the web page about the Lawrence County, TN Lindsey's.


Lindsay Code No.: L0285

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: John Lindsey b, ca. 1700 in Maryland, d. 1787 in Newberry County, SC.

John Lindsey, a Frederick County, Virginia Lindsey family partriach, and wife Alce, moved from Frederick County, Virginia to present day Newberry County, South Carolina about 1768.  John Lindsey wrote his will in Newberry County in 1783, naming his children: James, Sarah Speakes, John, Abigail Wells, Thomas, Samuel, and a daughter (Esther) married to Gerrard Smith.

L0285 descends from the patriarch, John Lindsey, through his son, Col. John Lindsey, b. ca. 1740, d. 1795 in Newberry County.  Col. John Lindsey married Elizabeth, and they had children named Alce, Caleb, Humphrey, Joshua, John (b. 1776), James, and Elizabeth.  Of these children, John Lindsey, b. 1776, is the ancestor of L0285. 

John Lindsey, b. 1776, married Polly Brown in 1805. They moved from Newberry County to Monroe County, AL and later to Jasper County, MS, where John Lindsey died in 1864.  John and Polly Brown Lindsey had children named James, Caleb, Elizabeth, Samuel (b. 1812), Elbert, and  ___ Caroline.

L0285 descends from Samuel Lindsey, b. 1812 in Newberry County, SC.  Samuel Lindsey married Martha Jane Loughridge.  He died in Jasper County, MS in 1876.



Lindsay Code No.: L0291

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: John Lindsey, b. ca. 1700 in Maryland, d. 1787 in Newberry County, SC. 

John Lindsey, a Frederick County, Virginia Lindsey family partriach, and wife Alce moved from Frederick County, Virginia to present day Newberry County, South Carolina about 1768.  John Lindsey wrote his will in Newberry County in 1783, naming his children: James, Sarah Speakes, John, Abigail Wells, Thomas, Samuel, and a daughter (Esther) married to Gerrard Smith.

Nearly all of John and Alce's children moved with them to South Carolina, including their son, Thomas Lindsey, b. ca. 1740, the ancestor of L0291.  Thomas married Lydia King, the daughter of Charles King and Charity Pennington King of Newberry County.  Thomas and Lydia had the following children: Isaac (married Esther Lindsey), Charles (married Mary Bennett), Jacob (married Elizabeth Sheppard), Jared, John, Samuel (married Ann/Nancy Sherrer), Charity (married John Gould), Polly (married George Wells), Alce, and Keziah. 


L0291 descends from Thomas Lindsey's son, Charles.  Charles Lindsey, b. ca. 1778, married Mary "Polly" Bennet.  Charles and Mary Lindsey moved to Texas, where Charles died in Shelby County sometime before 1850.


See the Newberry County Lindsey web page for more information.



Lindsay Code No.: L0300

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: John Lindsey b, ca. 1700 in Maryland, d. 1787 in Newberry County, SC.

John Lindsey, a Frederick County, Virginia Lindsey family partriach, and wife Alce, moved from Frederick County, Virginia to present day Newberry County, South Carolina about 1768.  John Lindsey wrote his will in Newberry County in 1783, naming his children: James, Sarah Speakes, John, Abigail Wells, Thomas, Samuel, and a daughter (Esther) married to Gerrard Smith.

L0300 descends from the patriarch, John Lindsey, through his son, Col. John Lindsey, b. ca. 1740, d. 1795 in Newberry County.  Col. John Lindsey married Elizabeth, and they had children named Alce, Caleb, Humphrey, Joshua, John (b. 1776), James, and Elizabeth.  Of these children, John Lindsey, b. 1776, is the ancestor of L0300. 

John Lindsey, b. 1776, married Polly Brown in 1805. They moved from Newberry County to Monroe County, AL and later to Jasper County, MS, where John Lindsey died in 1864.  John and Polly Brown Lindsey had children named James, Caleb (b. 1807), Elizabeth, Samuel, Elbert, and  ___ Caroline.

L0300 descends from Caleb Lindsey, b. 1807 in Newberry County, SC.  Caleb Lindsey married Almira Mason.  He died in Pass Christian, MS in 1874.


Lindsay Code No.: L0318

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Jackson Lindsey, b. ca. 1825, d. ca. 1857

Jackson Lindsey was born in South Carolina circa 1825, probably in Newberry County.  He was first documented in Abbeville County in 1848, when he signed a document relating to the probate of his father-in-law, Edward Lipford.  From this record it is known that Jackson Lindsey married Mary Lipford of Abbeville County.  By 1850, Jackson and Mary Lindsey lived in St. Clair County, AL.  Jackson died sometime before the 1860 census, when his widow and children appeared on the census in Pontotoc County, MS.  Jackson and Mary S. Lindsey had children named Nancy Ellen, Elvira, Mary Ann, James Thomas, William Edward, Robert M., and Malcolm Lindsey.


Lindsay Code No.: L0361

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Edmond Lindsey, Sr. b. 1697 in Maryland, d. ca. 1782 in Frederick County, Virginia, via Edmond's son, Jacob Lindsey, b. ca. 1739, and Jacob's wife, Elizabeth Abrell. L0361 descends from Jacob Lindsey Jr., b. 1778, and his wife, Phebe Lindsey.


Lindsay Code No.: L0363

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Thomas Lindsey, b. ca. 1771, married Hester Clark. See L0030, above, for more information.


Lindsay Code No.: L0386

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Philip Lindsey, b. 1782, d. 1866.

Philip Lindsey was an early settler of Brown County, Ohio. He married Drucilla Lucas, and they had children named Jesse, Delilah, Elizabeth, Preston, Thomas, Elijah and Drucilla. L0386 descends through Jesse Lindsey, b. 1805, who married Amelia Prickett, and through their son, Francis M. Lindsey, b. 1842, who married Louisa Elschlager. It is believed, but not proved, that Philip Lindsey was a son of Hezekiah Lindsey (1747 - 1826).

Lindsay Code No.: L0391
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Thomas Lindsey b. Jan. 21, 1791 Wilkes County, Georgia, d. Oct. 2, 1861 Brownsboro, Texas, m. Bathsheba Sudduth. 
Thomas Lindsey moved from Wilkes Co., GA to Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama in the early 1820's, before moving on to Mississippi and later to Texas, where he died.
It is possible that Thomas Lindsey was the son of Thomas Lindsey Sr., born circa 1766, a Revolutionary War soldier from South Carolina who died in Wilkes Co., GA before 1820, leaving a widow Mary, and children named Thomas, Abraham, William, Phoebe, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Rhoda, and Mary.  Several of the children of Thomas Lindsey Sr. moved to Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama, including Abraham, Phoebe, Rhoda, and Mary, who all married in Tuscaloosa Co.  Abraham Lindsey married Mary Traweek in 1829, Phoebe Lindsey married James Suddeth in 1847, Rhoda Lindsey married Cornelius Roberts in 1828, and Mary Lindsey married Richard Files in Tuscaloosa Co. in 1828.  In 1830, the heirs of Thomas Lindsey Sr., asked Thomas Lindsey of Tuscaloosa Co. to act as their agent to sell lottery land in Troup Co., GA for them.  Thomas might have been one of the heirs, himself.  More information about these Lindsey's is included in the Wilkes Co., GA timeline.



Lindsay Code No.: L0392

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor:  Morris Lindsey, b. 1788 in Newberry County, SC, died 1875 in Alameda County, CA

Morris Lindsey was born in Newberry County, SC in 1788 to unknown parents. Morris married Druscilla (maiden name thought to be Ballard) in Newberry County in 1813. He appeared as a buyer in a few estate records in the county between 1812 and 1815. 

By 1818, Morris was living in Madison County, AL where he worked as a blacksmith. Morris and Druscilla Lindsey had children named Joseph "Larkin" Lindsey, Amanda, Mary Evaline, and Julia Adeline. Morris moved to Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, where he filed for a divorce from Druscilla in 1823. 

Morris next married Nancy Miller, a young widow, in Tuscaloosa County in 1824.  Morris and Nancy had children named Nancy (b. 1824) and Dolphin (b. 1826), who were born while Morris and Nancy lived in Tuscaloosa County.

Morris and Nancy Lindsey were in Sumter County, AL by 1835, and in Lauderdale County, MS by 1838.  By 1850, they had moved to Walker County, TX.  Nancy Lindsey died, and Morris joined a wagon train to Utah with the family of his married daughter, Nancy Lindsey Wilson. 

Morris Lindsey joined the Mormon Church in Alameda County, CA in 1869.  He died in Alameda County in 1875.

L0392 descends from Morris Lindsey's son Dolphin, and from Dolphin Lindsey's son, James Robert Lindsey (b. 1849) and his second wife, Annie Griffith..

For more information, see the family tree for Morris Lindsey on Ancestry.  This well-documented tree has many more details about the life and family of Morris Lindsey.


Lindsay Code No.: L0403

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: William Lindsey, b. ca. 1796, d. 1867

William Lindsey was born ca. 1796 in South Carolina.  He is believed to have been a son of Edmond Lindsey, Jr. (b. 1760 - 1770) of Newberry County, SC.  William married Winney Rogers. William and Winney moved to Jasper County, Mississippi, where William died in 1867.  William and Winney had children named Whitfield B., James W., Sarah Ellen (married William B. Morris), and Elmira Amanda. Participant #L0403 is the son of participant #L0245.

More about William Lindsey and his family can be found on this family tree on Ancestry.  Very good documentation is included.

I have some limited information about William Lindsey on my web page about Edmond Lindsey Sr. and his family:


Lindsay Code No.: L0404

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: William Lindsey, b. ca. 1796, d. 1867

William Lindsey was born ca. 1796 in South Carolina.  He is believed to have been a son of Edmond Lindsey, Jr. (b. 1760 - 1770) of Newberry County, SC.  William married Winney Rogers. William and Winney moved to Jasper County, Mississippi, where William died in 1867.  William and Winney had children named Whitfield B., James W., Sarah Ellen (married William B. Morris), and Elmira Amanda. Participant #L0404 is a cousin to participant #L0245.

More about William Lindsey and his family can be found on this family tree on Ancestry.  Very good documentation is included.

I have some limited information about William Lindsey on my web page about Edmond Lindsey Sr. and his family:


Lindsay Code No.: L0407

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Jackson Lindsey, b. ca. 1825, d. ca. 1857

Jackson Lindsey was born in South Carolina circa 1825, probably in Newberry County.  He was first documented in Abbeville County in 1848, when he signed a document relating to the probate of his father-in-law, Edward Lipford.  From this record it is known that Jackson Lindsey married Mary Lipford of Abbeville County.  By 1850, Jackson and Mary Lindsey lived in St. Clair County, AL.  Jackson died sometime before the 1860 census, when his widow and children appeared on the census in Pontotoc County, MS.  Jackson and Mary S. Lindsey had children named Nancy Ellen, Elvira, Mary Ann, James Thomas, William Edward, Robert M., and Malcolm Lindsey. Participant #L0407 is a cousin to participant #L0318.


Lindsay Code No.: L0408

Surname of Participant: Lindsay

Earliest Known Progenitor: Lee Andrew Lindsay, b. ca. 1871, d. 1939

Lee Andrew Lindsay was born in Mississippi circa 1871, probably in Jasper County.  He was first documented in Jasper County in 1900, on the census that year.   Lee Andrew Lindsay married Lavinia Pollard (b. 1868). They had children named Elizabeth Francis "Liza" (1893), Pleasant L. (1894), Andrew Linton (1896), Clinton Leophus (1898), Gilbert William (1900), and Brown Lee (1903).  

Lindsay Code No.: L0409
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Joshua Lindsey b. 1799 Kentucky, d. bef. 1855 White County, Indiana, married Sarah (Sally) Johnson, March 8, 1823 in Lawrence Illinois.  The children of Joshua Lindsey & Sarah Johnson were Sally, Martha, Mary, John, Elizabeth, Louisa, Joshua, George M., Samuel and William Tipton Lindsey.
Note: Susan Grabek is also a Lindsey researcher and descends from Findley Lindsey, a brother of Joshua Lindsey (1799 KY - bef.1855 Indiana).  Susan, employing some of the previous work done by her cousin Carol Huber (they both descend from Joshua's proven brother Findley Lindsey), has developed a strong circumstantial position that would establish this Joshua Lindsey as a grandson of one William Lindsey.  This William Lindsey is believed to be a brother of the Hezekiah Lindsey found in the write-up of Lindsay participant L0038 above.  DNA Group 2 participants may want to contact Susan directly to gain more depth regarding her thoughts on this Lindsey lineage and its connecting links.
The parents of Joshua Lindsey are believed to have been Joshua Lindsey Sr. (b. about 1770) and Elizabeth Findley (b. 1773).  Elizabeth's father was John Findley, a Revolutionary War soldier who lived in the Fort Pitt area of present day Pittsburgh.  It is thought that Joshua Sr. must have met and married Elizabeth in the Fort Pitt area before migrating to Kentucky about 1791.  The family moved to Indiana about 1800, where Joshua died in Jackson County ca. 1818. Participant #L0409 is the son of participant #L0059.
More about Joshua Lindsey Sr. and his descendants: (PDF file, 6 pages, 39K) contributed by Susan Grabek.


Lindsay Code No.: L0410

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Thomas Lindsey, b. ca. 1721, d. 1769

Thomas Lindsey was born circa 1721, probably in Maryland. Thomas may have been a son of Edmond Lindsey Sr. of Frederick County, Virginia, but he would have to have been from a prior marriage of Edmond Lindsey, who married Elizabeth Beasley in Baltimore County in 1725.    Thomas Lindsey first married Mary Frost. Their children are known from Thomas Lindsey's 1769 Frederick County, VA will. They were John, Thomas, Abraham, James, Abigail (married Nathaniel Barrett), Nancy (married Richard Allen), and Mary (married Mr. Turner). Thomas Lindsey's will also named his second wife, Elizabeth, who may have been the widow Elizabeth Mattox.  

L0410 descends from Thomas Lindsey through his son, Abraham (b. 1750), and through Abraham's son, Amos Frost Lindsey, b. ca. 1786.  

More about Thomas Lindsey: Long Marsh Lindsey Patriarchs


Lindsay Code No.: L0412

Surname of Participant: Pennington

Earliest Known Progenitor: Isaac Pennington, b. ca. 1792, d. 1838

Isaac Pennington married Elizabeth "Lisse" Wilkes. L0412 descends through their son, David Newton Pennington, b. ca. 1829, who married Matilda Clingan. David and Matilda had a son, George Amos Pennington, b. 1862, who married Caroline "Carrie" E. Garrett. L0412 descends through a son of George Amos Pennington named William Edward Pennington, b. 1885, who married Rosa Lee Cothran.  


Lindsay Code No.: L0413

Surname of Participant: Pennington

Earliest Known Progenitor: Isaac Pennington, b. ca. 1792, d. 1838

Isaac Pennington married Elizabeth "Lisse" Wilkes. L0413 descends through their son, James Jackson Pennington, b. ca. 1819, who married Minerva Sargent Evans. James and Minerva had a son, James Buchanan Pennington, b. 1856, who married Cormelia Thomas Parker. L0413 descends through a son of James Buchanan Pennington named James Henry Lee Pennington, b. 1879, who married Nancy Ada Lee.    


Lindsay Code No.: L0414

Surname of Participant: Pennington

Earliest Known Progenitor: William Pennington, b. 1813

William Pennington, b. 1813 in Louisiana, married Jemima Netherland. They had a son, James M. W. Pennington, b. 1852 in Mississippi, who married Missouri A. Lambert. L0414 descends from their son, Andrew J. Pennington, b. 1884 in Louisiana, and who died in 1928 in Bogalusas, Louisiana. He married Hattie Myrie Crawford.  

William, b. 1813, is thought by some to be a son of Absalom Pennington b. 1782; who married Sarah Courtney. Absolom's full name was William Absalom Pennington.  


Lindsay Code No.: L0415

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Edmond Lindsey, b. 1697

Edmond Lindsey was born in Maryland in 1697. He married Elizabeth Beasley there in 1725. Edmond and Elizabeth moved to Frederick County, Virginia about 1733, where Edmond died sometime after 1782. Edmond and Elizabeth had a son, Jacob Lindsey, who married Elizabeth Abrell. Jacob and Elizabeth moved to Wilkes County, Georgia, about 1785. They had a son named Jacob Lindsey, Jr., b. 1778, who married a cousin, Phebe Lindsey. Jacob Jr. and Phebe moved to Jones County, Georgia, where Jacob died in 1857. L0415 descends from a son of Jacob and Phebe Lindsey named John Lindsey (1815 - 1853), who married Sarah Dennis, and who had a son named John Allen Lindsey, ancestor of L0415.


Lindsay Code No.: L0417

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: John Lindsey, b. ca. 1700

John Lindsey was born in Maryland about 1700. He moved to Frederick County, Virginia about 1733. John married Elce, and they had children named James, Sarah, John Jr., Abigail, Esther, Thomas, and Samuel. About 1773, John, Elce, and their children moved to Newberry County, South Carolina, where John Lindsey wrote his will in 1783, and died in 1787. L0417 descends from John Lindsey through his son, Thomas (b. ca. 1740), who married Lydia King. Thomas and Lydia King Lindsey had a son named Jacob (b. ca. 1775), who married Elizabeth Sheppard in Newberry County. Jacob and Elizabeth moved to Barbour County, Alabama, where Jacob died sometime before 1840. Jacob and Elizabeth had a son named James S. Lindsey, b. 1806, who married Julia "Julaney" Mann.

L0417 descends from a son of James and Julaney Lindsey named John Vanderlin Lindsey, b. ca. 1848. John married Bridgette Landers, and they had a son named Elijah L. Lindsey (b. 1891), who was the ancestor of L0417.

For more information about John Lindsey Sr. and his family in Newberry County, South Carolina, see the following link:  


Lindsay Code No.: L0418
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Stephen Lindsey b. ca 1775 Virginia, d. Sept. 7, 1864 Fulton County, Illinois, married Rachel Reynolds Dec. 1798 in Campbell County, Kentucky.  The children of Stephen Lindsey & Rachel Reynolds were: Nathan (b. circa 1802 KY), James (died circa age 18), Jonah (b. Ohio), Jacob, Phoebe (m. Mr. Lovell), Reuben, Stephen, Hannah (m. Mr. Stoops) & Hezekiah.  The migration path for Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL) was his marriage and time in Campbell County, Kentucky to Clermont County, Ohio to Fulton County, Illinois. 

In an October 17, 1843 deposition by Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL), he states, in 1782, he went to live, at age 7 or 8, with his maternal aunt, Ruth Beasley Dollar & her husband William Dollar, in Berkeley County, Virginia.  Inferring the maiden name of Beasley, for the mother of Stephen Lindsey, provides a possibly connection to Edmond Lindsey (Long Marsh-now Clarke County, Virginia Lindseys), b. 1697 who married Elizabeth Beasley in Baltimore Co. MD in 1724.  This could imply that Edmond Lindsey & Elizabeth Beasley were the grandparents or great-uncle/aunt of Stephen Lindsey.  DNA participant L0418 descends from the lineage of Nathan Lindsey (b. ca. 1802), eldest son of Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL). Nathan Lindsey married Elizabeth Farr, and they had a son named Hezekiah who was the ancestor of L0418.

Lindsay Code No.: L0419
Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Stephen Lindsey b. ca 1775 Virginia, d. Sept. 7, 1864 Fulton County, Illinois, married Rachel Reynolds Dec. 1798 in Campbell County, Kentucky.  The children of Stephen Lindsey & Rachel Reynolds were: Nathan (b. circa 1802 KY), James (died circa age 18), Jonah (b. Ohio), Jacob, Phoebe (m. Mr. Lovell), Reuben, Stephen, Hannah (m. Mr. Stoops) & Hezekiah.  The migration path for Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL) was his marriage and time in Campbell County, Kentucky to Clermont County, Ohio to Fulton County, Illinois. 

In an October 17, 1843 deposition by Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL), he states, in 1782, he went to live, at age 7 or 8, with his maternal aunt, Ruth Beasley Dollar & her husband William Dollar, in Berkeley County, Virginia.  Inferring the maiden name of Beasley, for the mother of Stephen Lindsey, provides a possibly connection to Edmond Lindsey (Long Marsh-now Clarke County, Virginia Lindseys), b. 1697 who married Elizabeth Beasley in Baltimore Co. MD in 1724.  This could imply that Edmond Lindsey & Elizabeth Beasley were the grandparents or great-uncle/aunt of Stephen Lindsey.  DNA participant L0418 descends from the lineage of Nathan Lindsey (b. ca. 1802), eldest son of Stephen Lindsey (1775 VA - 1864 IL). Nathan Lindsey married Elizabeth Farr, and they had a son named James E. Lindsey who was the ancestor of L0419.


Lindsay Code No.: L0421

Surname of Participant: Pennington

Earliest Known Progenitor: William Pennington, b. 1813

William Pennington, b. 1813 in Louisiana. William is thought by some to be a son of Absalom Pennington b. 1782; who married Sarah Courtney. Absolom's full name was William Absalom Pennington.


Lindsay Code No.: L0430

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: David Lindsey, b. ca. 1750

David Lindsey was born in old Frederick County, Virginia about 1750. He left the area about 1770 to move to the Fort Pitt area of modern day Pittsurgh, Pennsylvania, where he served as a soldier during the Revolutionary War. David married Mary Casey, and they had children named Elizabeth, Rachel, Joseph, James, Sarah, Thomas, Elijah, Lydia, Rebecca, and Mary/Polly.

After the war, David moved to Greene County, Tennessee for a time, and then moved on to Alabama, settling in Shelby County, where he died about 1835. L0430 descends from David Lindsey through his son, Elijah Lindsey (b. ca. 1783), who married Polly Harrison.  


Lindsay Code No.: L0434

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Edmond Lindsey, b. ca. 1730, d. 1818

Edmond Lindsey, b. ca. 1730, was a presumed son of Edmond Lindsey (b. 1697) and Elizabeth Beasley Lindsey of Frederick County, Virginia. Edmond married Mary (maiden name unknown). About 1776, Edmond Lindsey moved to the Fort Pitt area of modern day Pittsburgh, where he lived until about 1785, when he moved to Newberry County, South Carolina, where he died in 1818. Edmond wrote his will in 1816, naming his wife, Mary, and children named Nancy Hughes, William, Ruth Pearson, Edmond, and Phoebe Ogilvie (sic, Oglesby). Of these, L0434 descends from the son named Edmond, b. ca. 1765.

Edmond "Ned" Lindsey, b. ca. 1765, married Nancy Norred, and they moved to Wilcox County, Alabama, where Ned died about 1846. Ned and Nancy had children named William, Emily, Mary/Polly, Larkin, and Samuel. L0434 descends from Larkin W. Lindsey (b. 1799), who married Sarah Deakle. Larkin and Sarah had a son named James Edward Lindsey (b. 1825), who married Ann Crawford. James and Ann Crawford Lindsey had a son, James Edward Lindsey (b. 1851), who married Wealthy Ann Deakle. James Edward Lindsey was the ancestor of L0434.

For more information about Edmond Lindsey and his family in Newberry County, South Carolina, see the following link:

Lindsay Code No.: L0441

Participant Surname: Lindsey
Earliest Known Progenitor: Isaac Lindsey, b. ca. 1745 in Frederick County, Virginia.  Isaac Lindsey lived in York County, South Carolina, having moved there from Newberry County.  It is believed, but not proved, that the father of Isaac Lindsey was Abraham Lindsey, who lived next to Isaac in Newberry County until about 1785.  Isaac Lindsey, who died sometime after 1832 in Georgia, had children named John, Elisha, Jacob, David, Edy (married William Parker), Druscilla (married Thomas Wilson), and Fanna (married Thomas Putman).
L0441 descends from Isaac Lindsey's son, Jacob Lindsey, b. ca. 1780-1790 in South Carolina, d.1838 in Cobb Co., Georgia.  Jacob married Elizabeth Allen, b. ca. 1798 in SC.  Children of Jacob and Elizabeth Lindsey included David, b. 1815 SC; Lawson H., b. ca. 1820 SC; Jackson J., b. ca. 1831 GA; Green Augustus, b. ca. 1838 GA; and a daughter Lucinda, b. ca. 1827, who married Lawson Kiser.  L0441 descends from David Lindsey, b. 1815, who married Sarah and had children named Jacob Parks, David, Francis Marion, George Luther, Martha, and James J. "JJ" Lindsey.  David Lindsey died October 26, 1862 in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.

L0441 is the son of L0045.



Lindsay Code No.: L0443

Surname of Participant: Lindsey

Earliest Known Progenitor: Barach Lindsey, b. 1829, d. before 1880.

Barach Lindsey was born in Newberry County, SC. Barach married Frances E. Lipford in St. Clair County, AL in 1851. Frances was a daughter of Edward Lipford of Abbeville County, SC. Barach and Frances Lindsey had children named Elizabeth Sophrania, Emmaline Cotilda, Samantha Elline, Mary, Andrew Jackson, James Willis, Tamie Adeline, and Missouri. L0443 descends from James Willis Lindsey, b. 1866, who married Katie Ellie Cook. James and Katie Lindsey had a son named Walter Jackson Lindsey, b. 1892, who is the ancestor of L0443.

Barach and Frances Lindsey moved from St. Clair County, AL to Pontotoc County, MS by 1860, where Barach served as a Civil War soldier. Barach and Francis were on the 1870 census in Pontotoc County. Barach died sometime after the 1870 census was taken.

It is believed, but not proved, that Barach Lindsey was a brother of Jackson Lindsey, ancestor of L0318 and L0407, above. Barach and Jackson married sisters, Frances and Mary Lipford, of Abbeville County, SC. It is thought that Barach and Jackson Lindsey had an older brother, William Lindsey (b. ca. 1807) who moved from Newberry County, SC to Abbeville County, where he was listed on the 1840 census. William, who was married to Frances (White?), moved to St. Clair County, AL sometime before 1850. He died in neighboring Jefferson County in 1861.



This page was updated on 6/16/2023

Susan Grabek