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Lindsay Surname DNA Project Group 2 Literature

On this page you will find direct links to non copyright protected information about Group 2 Lindsey's.  Other literature listed may be obtained through libraries, historical societies, or bookstores.  If you have literature about our Lindsey's that you would like to share, it would be appreciated. Please contact Susan Grabek with your information.

Much of the early research on our Lindsey's was conducted in the 1970's by professional genealogist William Thorndale, a descendant of Isaac Lindsey, the long hunter, b. by 1740.  Isaac was a possible son of Edmund Lindsey (b. 1697), a Long Marsh pioneer.

William Thorndale made some of his research available to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.  Two manuscripts written by Thorndale are available on FHL microfilm #928100. I consider Thorndale's work a "must read" for those researching Group 2 Lindsey's.  His work forms the basis for much of what we know about our ancestors.

I have made pdf files of photocopies of the microfilmed Thorndale manuscripts.  You can download them below by clicking on the links.


The Thorndale Letters: Lindsey's of Long Marsh, Lower Shenandoah Valley, 1733-1770 (24 pages, 1.7 MB)

This is a series of three letters that Thorndale wrote over a six month period in 1974. He conducted a thorough search of the land and court records concerning the Lindsey's in Orange and Frederick County, Virginia for the time period from the 1730's up to around 1810. Thorndale followed these Lindsey's into other states: Tennessee, South Carolina, and Ohio, though the bulk of the research concerns Frederick Co. Then Thorndale worked backward into Maryland in the mid 1600's to connect the Long Marsh Lindsey's with an Edmond Lindsey of Portobacco, and his possible brother James Lindsey. Both of these earlier Lindsey's were believed by Thorndale to have been immigrants from England.

The letters contain some wonderful maps of the Lindsey land holdings in Frederick Co., a listing of all the Lindsey's Thorndale found there, and a lineage that he worked out from his analysis of the records.

(Note: Group 2 Lindsey lineages that are believed to have descended from this family include L0028, L0029, L0038, L0045, L0046, L0047, L0059, L0083, L0102, L0115, L0136, L0138, L0156, L0164, L0170, L0173, L0183, and L0203.  I think that research will eventually show that all the DNA participants in Group 2 descend from the Long Marsh family.)

The Lindsey's of Maury Co., Tennessee (20 pages, 5 MB)

In this report, William Thorndale sought to identify the parents of Isaac Lindsey, who died in Navarro Co., Texas about 1852. Thorndale again conducted a thorough search of land and court records, and then identified four Lindsey families who lived near each other in Maury Co., Tennessee in the early 1800's. He then distinguished between them, and focused in on the family he called the Little Bigby Lindsey's, named after the creek they settled on. This family included John (d. 1810), and his sons John, Jacob, Josiah, Ezekiel, Abraham, and Isaac, and several others who may have been related to this family. From Maury County, Thorndale tracked the Little Bigby Lindsey's back into Georgia and South Carolina, and from there he traced them back to the Long Marsh in Virginia. This report also contains many wonderful maps that Thorndale created to illustrate not only where these Lindsey's lived, but to explain their migrations and settlements in the context of land law during the post Revolutionary War time period.

(Note: This Lindsey lineage is represented in Group 2 by L0138.)


The Lindsay Newsletter, Southern Colonial Branches (2 Volumes, 8 issues)

William Thorndale was the editor of this short-lived periodical that Elliot Lindsey Stringham published in 1981-82.  The purpose of the newsletter was to share information about Lindsay's who were born before 1775, and who lived south and west of the Delaware River (including Pennsylvania). The PDF files are searchable, and there is much information about our Lindsey's in these issues. How I wish Stringham and Thorndale had kept up their endeavor! Click below to access the PDF files for the newsletter issues.

Volume 1 (1981, 4 issues, 80 pages total)  Volume 1 Table of Contents (4 pages)

Volume 2 (1982, 4 issues, 80 pages total)  Volume 2 Table of Contents (4 pages)

Alphabetical Index (21 pages, I do not recall the name of the kind researcher who took the time to create an index for the newsletter)


Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, by Cecil O'Dell. (623 pages).  

This book, published in 1995, contains some helpful information about the Long Marsh Lindsey family and their neighbors.  O'Dell included many helpful maps that illustrate the locations of tracts owned by the Frederick Co. pioneer families.  There are also a couple of wonderful pull-out maps.  One is a large color map that gives an overview of the entire area, with some benchmark tract locations. Though the book is now out of print, I purchased a copy from the Berkeley County Historical Society in Spring 2007.  Copies may still be available for purchase.  Copies are also available in libraries.  My local library has a copy, but it does not include the pull-out maps.

(Note: Group 2 Lindsey lineages that are believed to have descended from this family include L0028, L0029, L0038, L0045, L0047, L0059, L0083, L0102, L0115, L0136, L0138, L0156, L0164, L0170, L0173, L0183, and L0203.)


  "Jacob Lindsey, Sr. Identified", by Yvonne J. Hardy.
Alabama Genealogical Society, Inc. Magazine. Vol.31, Fall/Winter 1999.

This article is another "must read" for Group 2 researchers, especially those who descend from Jacob Lindsey Sr. and his wife, Elizabeth Abrell. Ms. Hardy successfully proved that Jacob Lindsey Sr. was the son of Edmund Lindsey Sr. (b. 1697) and his wife Elizabeth Beasley. (Jacob Lindsey Sr. is the only proved child of Edmund Lindsey Sr.) Click on the title link to read the complete article.  Please note that Susan Grabek has been given permission by the author to post the article on this website. The article is copyright protected, and it may not be published in any format without the express written consent of the author.  The article can be purchased from the Alabama Genealogical Society for a nominal price.

(Note: This Lindsey lineage is represented in Group 2 by L0046, L0102, L0115, L0136, L0156, L0173,and L0183)


The Preston Lindsey Trail (407 pages, by Rosaline Preston and Carol Huber, 1996)

John Calvin Preston was born Ohio in 1825. He and several of his brothers went to California to participate in the Gold Rush. He married Sarah Jane Lindsey (note by Susan Grabek: my great-grandmother) and they had twelve children. They lived in California. After John's death Sarah Jane married three more times. Information on their ancestry as well as their descendants is included in this volume. Descendants now live in California, Washington, and elsewhere.

Co-authors Rosaline Preston (now deceased) and Carol Huber have served as wonderful mentors to get me started researching Lindsey's.  Long before DNA testing pointed the way to the Long Marsh, Rosaline encouraged me to look there for our roots. Rosaline and Carol also co-wrote The Preston Lindsey Trail II, which is now out-of-print. They made the first book available to the Family History Library, where it is available on microfilm (FHL #2055999 - Item 8).  The FHL has now digitized the book so it can be read online.

(Note: This Lindsey lineage is represented in Group 2 by L0059.)


The Hezekiah Lindsey Family   (in 5 PDF files, each about 10 pages, and about 3 Mb each)

This 1963 manuscript was recompiled by Margaret Watson Cooke.  It contains a lot of information about the descendants of Hezekiah Lindsey. Though DNA testing has proved that some of Cooke's information is untrue, it is still a valuable resource for those researching Hezekiah Lindsey and his descendants. The manuscript is available on microfilm from the Family History Center (FHL #877537 Item 4). I have made PDF files of the photocopied microfilm.  The link will open the folder where the files are located.  Click on any of the links in the folder to download a section of the manuscript.

Hezekiah Lindsey Revolutionary War Pension Application   (in 4 PDF files, each about 6 pages, and about 3 Mb each)

Informaton from the Clermont Co. Historical Society files about Hezekiah Lindsey Sr. and Jr.   (in 2 PDF files, each about 15 pages, and about 1 Mb each)

(Note: This Lindsey lineage is represented in Group 2 by L0038.)



The David Lindsay Family of Alabama: The First Three Generations (in 4 PDF files, 15-30 pgs. each, and about 1.5-2 Mb each)

This is a manuscript written in 1953 by Mrs. A. W. Vaughan, Genealogical Chairman of the David Lindsay Chapter of the D.A.R. of Montevallo, Alabama. Researchers will find valuable documentation of David Lindsey and his descendants in this work. I first received a copy from a fellow researcher, and then I photocopied another one from FHL microfilm (#877537 Item 2).  Some of the pages I had received from the researcher were not in the microfilm version, and some of the microfilmed pages were not in the copy from the researcher.  I think there may have been a revised version made at some point in time.  I have copied all the pages from both versions, putting them in the order that seemed most logical.

(Note: This Lindsey lineage is represented in Group 2 by L0028, and L0164.)


The Lindsey's: a Genealogy of Thomas and Mary Lindsey and Their Descendants
, by Ferrell A. Brown.  School of the Ozarks Press, Lookout Point, MO: 1970.

Thomas Lindsey was born about 1720.  He lived in Frederick County, Virginia, where he was a constable, juryman, and member of the militia during the French and Indian War. Thomas married Mary Frost.  Thomas and Mary had children: John, Abraham, Thomas, Mary, Abigail, Nancy, and James.  After Mary died, Thomas married Elizabeth (ca. 1765).  Thomas died in Frederick County in 1769.

Ferrell Brown collected information about Thomas Lindsey and many of his descendants.  One of Thomas' sons, John (b.1746) married Sarah Abrell.  John and Sarah moved to Pickaway County, Ohio about 1811. Some of their children moved with them.  Many of John and Sarah Lindsey's descendants still live in Pickaway County.

Brown's book is a very good source for information about the family of Thomas Lindsey. It is out-of-print, but it can be read online at the Family History Library.  Click here to access the book. It is also available on microfilm at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. (#1698042, Item 5)

(Note: This Lindsey lineage is not yet represented in Group 2.)

This page was updated on 7-26-2018

Susan Grabek